Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bulbs and Holiday Wishes

Just before leaving to our traditional ski vacation during the holidays...

Warm wishes to you and your family this holiday season and may the year head be full of health, joy and prosperity.

For long time I was looking for Calla Lily bulbs, a couple of months ago I received 3 bulbs from my friend Smadar, they all were at the same size and at the beginning there was no sign of growing for quite a while and I was afraid that I lost them all because of the frost. Today after 10 weeks you can see the pictures.

One of them is really tall and beautiful, the other is very small and the third one is almost invisible. I planted Crocus all around in purple and white, I can 't wait to see them all blooming toghether.


  1. I have a young Calla Lily plant not too long ago. It has been quite hard to keep the lily from being scorched up here. I place the plant outdoor but undershade in a container. The foliage are always eaten by pest or bugs hence I have problem keeping the leaves in good condition as well. Nonetheless, have a blessed Christmas and I wish you and your family will stay healthy all the time. Enjoy the holidays!

  2. I shared your comment with my fried Smadar and she offered to make a little box and cover the plant at least at the first 5-6 weeks. So the bugs will not enjoy it. I stated to build a small box for the one that is hardly growing. I promise to publish a picture when its done.

  3. Thanks Dee! I can't wait to see that box. I still couldn't imagine the box... could sunlight pass through?

    Happy planting fruit and herb plants this new year :-D
